At brightWebinars, we inform, inspire, and connect people who love HR. If you’re a thought leader, share our goal and would like to speak at #CRAS2022, we would love to hear from you.

This year's Conference is pure Climate Risk Awareness. There are 10+ speakers in our program and 7 practical topics, and a sales pitch won’t be one of them. Genuine, honest and personal stories of pure Sustainabiity only.



A talk at the brightWebinars isn’t just a story or a list of facts.
It involves insightful observations and an exciting conclusion about the future of Sustainability.
This could be: a compelling story, a conceptual "how to”, a presentation on a pressing industry issue or an interactive educational discussion in a small setting. brightWebinars sessions are known for being daring, bold, and supportive of new and disruptive minds.


1. Who should apply to be a Speaker?

  • Executives and operational thought leaders from global giants
  • C-level executives from the most innovative corporates and most successful scaleups
  • Top investors, designers, product leads and researchers.
  • Leading authors in the field

2. What’s the story you want to tell?

We are mainly interested in an engaging story. When writing your application, think about why your story matters, the value it provides the audience and how your story will be remembered. Consider your end goal – is it to inspire, motivate, or raise awareness?
(If your goal is to promote a product or deliver a sales pitch, this event is not for you).
Overall, your session should be inspirational, actionable, and/or educational.

3. What format fits this story best?

A presentation that establishes a strong main idea related to a track. The main idea should inspire, motivate, educate, and engage audiences with a clear conclusion.

Fireside chat
An informal conversation or interview between two people that reveals new stories from Speakers.

Panel Discussion
A live discussion about a specific topic or trend amongst a selected group of Panelists (max 4), hosted by a professional Moderator.

Roundtable Session
Deep conversations on specific topics in small and interactive groups. Roundtable session delegates need to book their seats pre-event.

4. Title and abstract

Pay close attention to your Presentation title.
First impressions matter and you want to ensure that it stands out from the crowd. It should be short, catchy and present a (single) clear idea or message.

Your abstract should be no longer than 200 - 250 words and please include the three key takeaways for the audience .

5. When can I submit?

Right now! Go for it. We’ll close submissions soon, and we’ll be reviewing on a rolling basis. Just make sure to read the TERMS before submitting

Terms of Engagement

  • All Speakers receive a complimentary speaker pass and a +1 ticket to all our events
  • There is no charge to speak
  • There is no monetary compensation to the speaker either
  • Content has to be original, new, or adjusted for this event
  • Each session can have a maximum of one person per organization
  • Successful proposals are chosen based on the proposed idea and Speakers suggested.
  • Spaces are limited and some proposals may be offered a slot in a different format or stage than originally applied for
  • Once offers are accepted, Speakers and session content confirmed, we will contact you and announce the Speakers on the website

OK, I’m ready!

Cool, we can’t wait to read your application.

Speaker Application Form
Choose your preferred Speaking format

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